General Setting of the plugin is an icon that looks like an electrical plug and a cog. To get you started here are a few skins provided by user skins How do I get Stochas working in FL Studio The changes get picked up either when you reload stochas, or switch back and forth between standard and custom color. It is a text file, and you can use html color codes, so easiest to find one of those sites that has a color picker that shows you the codes. On Windows, go in windows explorer bar and type %APPDATA%\AudioVitamins, on mac look in ~/Library/Application Support/AudioVitamins to find the file. This will create a file called which will initially be the same scheme as the dark scheme. If you are still having issues you can try running cmake with -DSTOCHAS_IS_SYNTH=TRUE and/or -DSTOCHAS_IS_MIDI_EFFECT=FALSE (or other combinations).
Make sure your DAW supports VST3 (AU is supported for Logic).
We believe this is due to the JUCE framework that is used for Stochas. The oldest mac OS version that is supported is 10.11. Why does Stochas not run on my older OS Mac If you’d like to have a VST2 plugin and have access to the VST2 SDK you can build your own by defining VST2_PATH to point to your SDK when building. Due to Steinberg’s licensing terms, we cannot provide binaries using the VST2 plugin format.